Bayonne High School Alumni

This database is the result of the work of Hudson County Genealogical Society member Bill Miller.

Note: the indicies are for personal, non-commercial genealogical research only and may not be compiled, repurposed or otherwise used in a derivative format for commercial sale.

Jump to bottom of list







B?? Reuben BHS Feb 1936
Babey Marion M BHS June 1944
Babey Peter BHS June 1947
Babiak Dorothy H BHS June 1951
Babiak Dorothy C BHS June 1952
Babian Anna I BHS June 1944
Babian Lorraine BHS June 1951
Babich Andrew H BHS June 1934
Babich Anne F BHS Feb 1937
Babicko Joseph J BHS June 1935
Babien Constantine BHS Feb 1936
Babinec Margaret A BHS June 1952
Babitz Dorothea BHS June 1943
Babitz Joseph BHS Feb 1931
Babnis Anne BHS Feb 1940
Babnis Joseph BHS Feb 1937
Baccarella Carol A BHS June 1955
Baccarella Jean S BHS June 1948
Bacher Fred BHS Feb 1923
Bacher William A BHS Feb 1916
Baches Florence BHS June 1922
Bachinsky Frances BHS June 1931
Bachinsky Stephanie J BHS Feb 1934
Bachiw?? Walter J BHS Feb 1936
Bachley Michael R BHS Feb 1937
Bachnovics Mary BHS Feb 1941
Backover Beryl BHS Feb 1921
Bacsik Anna BHS Feb 1932
Baczik Andrew BHS June 1938
Baczik George BHS Feb 1938
Baer Irving BHS Feb 1932
Baer Mildred BHS Feb 1929
Baer Sidney BHS June 1937
Baginski Ann S BHS June 1933
Baginski Dolores E BHS June 1951
Baginski John BHS June 1954
Bahr Mildred BHS Feb 1930
Bailey Mildred BHS Feb 1920
Baird Muriel L BHS Feb 1935
Bajor John P BHS June 1933
Baker Catherine M BHS Feb 1936
Baker Elizabeth BHS June 1949
Baker Harold S BHS June 1951
Baker Laura E BHS Feb 1940
Baker Louis G BHS Feb 1934
Baker Reginald E BHS June 1952
Baketti Frances BHS Feb 1926
Bakhuizen Janet BHS June 1933
Bakos Agnes BHS June 1942
Bakos Andrew F BHS June 1935
Bakos Anna S BHS Feb 1933
Bakos Sophie BHS Feb 1925
Bal??as Anne BHS Feb 1936
Balaney Dorothy BHS June 1942
Balaney Joseph F BHS Feb 1940
Balaney Veronica M BHS Feb 1938
Balassone Anthony F BHS June 1941
Balbi Josephine R BHS Feb 1932
Balbi Frances M BHS June 1934
Balbi Mildred BHS June 1940
Balchumas Joseph C BHS June 1933
Balchunas Ruth V BHS June 1939
Balcus Madeline M BHS Feb 1940
Balford Leonard BHS June 1922
Balik Eleanor BHS June 1946
Balino Mary BHS June 1946
Balint Andrew J Jr BHS June 1952
Ball Doris BHS Feb 1927
Ball Joseph BHS June 1943
Ball Leo BHS June 1938
Ball Mary BHS June 1942
Ball Tobey BHS June 1940
Ballard Catherine BHS June 1918
Ballard Mariam BHS June 1918
Ballinger Francis J BHS Feb 1935
Balmer Joyce E BHS June 1949
Balog Stephen G BHS June 1950
Balogh Rose BHS Feb 1925
Baluha Edward J BHS Feb 1938
Baluha Maryann H BHS June 1947
Bamberger Carolyn BHS June 1934
Banacki Dolores E BHS June 1953
Banacki Doris E BHS June 1947
Banacki Robert BHS June 1952
Banasia Virginia BHS June 1940
Bandinelli Rose BHS June 1949
Bandinelli Rose A BHS June 1955
Bandomer Edward Jr BHS June 1952
Bandur Michael E BHS June 1934
Bandur Priscilla S BHS June 1939
Bandurski Helene J BHS June 1937
Bandurski Joseph P BHS June 1934
Bandurski Kalixt E BHS Feb 1933
Bandurski Wanda BHS June 1940
Baneus Anthony J BHS June 1938
Bania Adam R BHS June 1936
Bania Genevieve BHS June 1943
Bania Stephen S BHS June 1939
Bania Walter J BHS Feb 1938
Banno Helen BHS Feb 1921
Bannon Aileen K BHS June 1934
Bannon Gertrude BHS Feb 1927
Bannon James BHS Feb 1924
Banon Marie BHS June 1923
Banos Anna M BHS June 1944
Banos James BHS June 1953
Banta David G BHS June 1936
Baran Evelyn M BHS June 1951
Baran Frank T BHS Feb 1933
Baran George R BHS June 1949
Baran Margaret E BHS June 1952
Baran Marie M BHS June 1947
Baran Michael J BHS June 1939
Barash Anna BHS June 1924
Barash Gussie BHS June 1924
Barash Rose BHS Feb 1927
Barasky Rubin BHS June 1937
Baratta Elvira E BHS June 1948
Barba Frances BHS Feb 1927
Barba Stephen BHS June 1942
Barba Vincent BHS June 1947
Barberi Domenico M BHS June 1936
Barberi Thomas G BHS Feb 1937
Barbieri Amedeo A BHS June 1952
Barbieri Marian BHS June 1942
Bardenhagen Chris BHS June 1926
Bardzinski Alfred J BHS June 1937
Barecca George J BHS June 1934
Baresh Gabriel BHS June 1935
Baresi Antoinette BHS June 1943
Baress Lillian BHS Feb 1919
Baress Max BHS June 1917
Bargfrede Catherine BHS June 1922
Bariscko Michael S BHS June 1938
Barisonek Adelaide J BHS June 1936
Barisonek Emily BHS Feb 1936
Barisonek Eugene BHS June 1950
Barkan Gertrude BHS Feb 1928
Barkan Philip BHS June 1955
Barken Alexander BHS Feb 1927
Barker George S BHS June 1952
Barker Ronald BHS June 1954
Barker William J BHS June 1951
Barlica Robert M BHS June 1955
Barlow Arthur BHS Feb 1941
Barlow Dolores H BHS June 1950
Barlow Joan E BHS June 1950
Barlow Lorraine BHS June 1954
Barlow Rita D BHS June 1950
Barnes Dianne A BHS June 1955
Barnes Eleanor BHS June 1946
Barnes Elsie D BHS June 1941
Barnes Patricia J BHS June 1941
Barnes Patricia R BHS June 1955
Baro Irene S BHS June 1944
Baroff Claire BHS June 1940
Baroff Frank BHS Feb 1942
Baroff Frieda BHS Feb 1933
Baroff Gerald BHS June 1942
Baroff Jack BHS Feb 1933
Baroff Natalie J BHS Feb 1934
Baron Dorothy BHS June 1943
Baron John BHS June 1942
Baron Mary BHS June 1942
Baron Maureen J BHS June 1955
Baron Ruth BHS June 1925
Barone Ann M BHS Feb 1940
Barone Anthony J BHS June 1950
Barone Bruno BHS June 1943
Barone Catherine BHS Feb 1940
Barone Clementine BHS June 1942
Barone Marie F BHS Feb 1935
Barone Salvatore BHS June 1946
Barowitz Able BHS Feb 1923
Barowitz Geraldine BHS June 1943
Barowitz Hyman BHS June 1916
Barowski Vincent BHS June 1943
Barrack Eugene J BHS June 1949
Barrack Gerald BHS June 1951
Barrdzinski Genevieve P BHS June 1939
Barreiros Dolores BHS June 1947
Barreiros Juanita BHS June 1949
Barrella Camille BHS June 1954
Barrella Marie R BHS June 1951
Barrella Theresa BHS June 1943
Barresi Benjamin BHS June 1935
Barresi Josephine BHS June 1942
Barresi Sally J BHS June 1947
Barrett Agnes M BHS Feb 1933
Barrett Clifton BHS Feb 1926
Barrett Evelyn M BHS June 1935
Barrett Joan BHS Feb 1941
Barrett John J BHS June 1944
Barrow Joseph BHS June 1933
Barrows Dorothy BHS June 1931
Barrows Morton BHS June 1947
Barrows Rose I BHS June 1955
Barry Bart J BHS June 1955
Barsch Albert H Jr BHS June 1947
Barsch Doris L BHS June 1944
Bartenhagen Agnes BHS June 1943
Bartenhaken Catherine BHS June 1942
Bartholomeo Josephine BHS June 1943
Bartlett Mari?? E BHS June 1929
Bartlett Ruth BHS June 1923
Bartling Adele BHS June 1929
Barton Gloria J BHS June 1947
Bartoszek Jeanne A BHS June 1939
Baruilli Mary L BHS June 1950
Barulli Carmela T BHS June 1953
Barulli Juliet BHS June 1939
Bascow Bernice BHS June 1942
Basile Dominick BHS Feb 1929
Basile Dorothy M BHS June 1947
Basile Joseph A BHS June 1937
Basile Salvatore M BHS June 1941
Basile Theresa BHS Feb 1932
Basile Thomas C BHS June 1938
Baskowitz Rebecca BHS June 1930
Basone Gayton J BHS June 1949
Basow Philip BHS Feb 1933
Bass Irene BHS June 1951
Bass Leonard BHS June 1940
Bassin Bertha BHS Feb 1940
Bassin Florence BHS June 1935
Bassin Robert BHS June 1947
Bassin Roslyn R BHS June 1941
Bastek Josephine BHS Feb 1930
Bastek Chester A BHS June 1932
Bastek John BHS June 1943
Bastle Rosemarie C BHS June 1952
Baszczewski Edward BHS June 1930
Baszczewski Francis J BHS June 1951
Baszczewski Helen F BHS June 1934
Baszczewski John BHS June 1942
Baszczewski Stanley F BHS June 1950
Baszczewski Viola M BHS June 1941
Batacchi Julia A BHS June 1953
Batka Alba BHS June 1918
Batka Minnie B BHS Feb 1917
Bator Mary BHS June 1942
Bator Sophie BHS June 1946
Battaglia Elizabeth BHS June 1938
Battleson Howard N BHS June 1937
Batura Hedwig T BHS June 1936
Batura John A BHS Feb 1937
Batura Lottie BHS Feb 1941
Batzie Frederick A BHS Feb 1916
Bauch Doris F BHS June 1947
Bauer Charles BHS June 1942
Bauer Delores N BHS June 1950
Bauer Dorothy M BHS June 1934
Bauer Ivy BHS Feb 1925
Bauer Richard BHS June 1954
Bauer Robert BHS June 1942
Bauer William F BHS June 1923
Baulauskas Charles BHS June 1928
Baum Estelle R BHS June 1936
Bauman Anna BHS June 1919
Bauman Isadore BHS June 1930
Bauman Leona BHS Feb 1924
Bauman Mae BHS June 1922
Bauman Pauline BHS June 1928
Bauman Robert BHS June 1926
Bauman Samuel BHS June 1954
Baumler Kathleen M BHS Feb 1937
Baur Alva E BHS June 1937
Baur Billie BHS June 1942
Bausmith William BHS June 1920
Bauso Angela G BHS Feb 1937
Bauso Lenore A BHS June 1948
Bauso Philip M BHS June 1947
Bavlish Dorothy H BHS June 1955
Bavlish John J BHS June 1941
Bavolar Theresa M BHS June 1947
Bawiec Edward A BHS June 1936
Baxter Paul BHS Feb 1930
Bayer Florence BHS Feb 1931
Bayer Irving A BHS June 1937
Bayer Katherine K BHS June 1934
Bayne Dorothy B BHS June 1952
Bayroff Abraham BHS June 1922
Bayroff Rosalie BHS June 1934
Bayroff Shirley BHS June 1944
Bazin Herman BHS June 1929
Bazin Marcus BHS June 1924
Be?ng Ruth E BHS Feb 1936
Beasley Elsie BHS Feb 1918
Bebel Malvina BHS June 1952
Beben Lortaine C BHS June 1953
Bechtlof Frank BHS June 1918
Bechtlof Gertrude BHS June 1918
Bechtlof Henry BHS Feb 1922
Beck Albert BHS June 1943
Beck Doris E BHS June 1953
Beck Melvin BHS Feb 1931
Beck Roman BHS June 1921
Beckenbach Augusta L BHS June 1939
Becker Anna BHS June 1928
Becker Charles BHS Feb 1930
Becker Edwin BHS Feb 1926
Becker Frances BHS Feb 1928
Becker George W BHS Feb 1940
Becker Gladys BHS Feb 1925
Becker Vernon BHS June 1922
Beckson Gertrude BHS Feb 1927
Beckwith Olive BHS Feb 1920
Bedara Gerald BHS June 1954
Bedkowski Joan V BHS June 1950
Bednardchick Ann BHS June 1943
Bednarski Bernadette C BHS June 1955
Bednarski John E BHS June 1935
Bedneis Mae K BHS June 1944
Bedneiz Olga BHS June 1942
Bedrick John J BHS June 1927
Beebe Alfred BHS June 1942
Beelitz Howard R BHS June 1951
Beelitz Joan C BHS June 1951
Beelitz Marilyn R BHS June 1949
Beelitz Ronald W BHS June 1948
Beer Martha BHS June 1936
Beerman Dorothy BHS June 1919
Beerman Mildred BHS Feb 1922
Beg Ahmed BHS June 1951
Beg Fazil R BHS June 1949
Beg Paul B BHS June 1953
Begley Mary BHS Feb 1931
Begrowicz Marion BHS June 1954
Begrowicz Theresa M BHS June 1953
Behnken Herman C BHS Feb 1938
Behnken John BHS June 1929
Beiling Beatrice I BHS Feb 1934
Beimel Sophie S BHS June 1934
Beirne Catherine L BHS June 1933
Beirne Margaret BHS June 1925
Beirne Mary BHS June 1930
Beirne Mary C BHS June 1934
Beirne William J BHS June 1933
Bejgrowicz Florence BHS June 1929
Bejgrowicz Joseph BHS Feb 1942
Belasco Judith BHS June 1954
Belaski Frank A BHS June 1954
Belbo Stella H BHS June 1944
Belby Delores BHS June 1942
Belby James P BHS June 1935
Belby John F BHS Feb 1933
Belby John W BHS Feb 1934
Belby Marie BHS June 1928
Belby Regina R BHS June 1936
Belchak Andrew J BHS June 1937
Belchunas Joseph BHS June 1935
Belfiore Mary P BHS June 1955
Belford Julius BHS Feb 1924
Belfore Nancy T BHS June 1951
Belinkoff Claire H BHS June 1936
Belinkoff Evelyn BHS June 1916
Belinkoff Stanton BHS June 1932
Belis Anthony T BHS June 1934
Belis Joseph BHS June 1930
Beliski Dolores G BHS June 1952
Belitz Renee BHS June 1954
Belitz Robert BHS Feb 1934
Bell Elizabeth A BHS June 1952
Bell Fredric M BHS June 1941
Bell Gloria V BHS June 1951
Bell Lorraine H BHS June 1935
Bell Mamie E BHS June 1948
Bell Shirley E BHS June 1953
Bellack Ella E BHS June 1938
Bellack Gloria BHS June 1940
Bellack Joseph W BHS June 1934
Bellack June BHS June 1943
Bellack William BHS June 1934
Bellamy Marie L BHS June 1938
Bellin William J BHS June 1934
Belunas Mary J BHS Feb 1933
Bencko Jean C BHS June 1939
Benda Anna BHS June 1934
Benda Olga BHS June 1940
Bender Agnes L BHS June 1935
Bender Arthur T BHS June 1937
Bender Beth M BHS June 1941
Bender Emily J BHS June 1941
Bender Genevieve I BHS June 1939
Bender Louise K BHS Feb 1916
Bender Margaret BHS June 1942
Benedict Willard BHS June 1930
Bennett Albert BHS June 1928
Bennett Dona BHS Feb 1918
Bennett Edith BHS Feb 1922
Bennett Edward BHS June 1923
Bennett Evelyn BHS Feb 1918
Bennett Gretchen T BHS Feb 1916
Bennett Harold BHS June 1954
Bennett James E BHS June 1941
Bennett Joyce BHS June 1932
Bennett Lena BHS Feb 1921
Bennett Margaret B BHS June 1936
Bennett Nellie BHS Feb 1925
Bennett Pearl BHS June 1930
Bennett Richard B BHS June 1951
Bentkowski Frances E BHS June 1933
Benton Ethel E BHS June 1944
Benton Evelyn M BHS June 1941
Benton Grace L BHS June 1938
Bentryn Rita A BHS June 1947
Bentz Russell J BHS June 1932
Bera Charles F BHS June 1951
Bera Stanley P BHS June 1955
Bereska Ann BHS June 1940
Bereska Helene BHS June 1942
Bereski Walter J BHS Feb 1936
Beresznik Anne BHS June 1942
Berezny Catherine BHS June 1943
Berezny Helen BHS June 1940
Berezny Peter BHS June 1941
Berg Ann BHS June 1943
Berg Elsie M BHS June 1941
Bergalowski Joseph J BHS June 1955
Bergen Barbara Ann BHS June 1944
Bergen David BHS June 1931
Bergen Lorraine BHS June 1949
Bergen Sylvia BHS June 1954
Berger Alfred BHS June 1931
Berger Alvin BHS June 1941
Berger Clement BHS June 1942
Berger Evelyn BHS Feb 1940
Berger George J BHS June 1947
Berger Helen BHS Feb 1928
Berger Herman BHS June 1938
Berger Jacob BHS June 1925
Berger Lillian I BHS June 1933
Berger Moe A BHS June 1934
Berger Samuel BHS Feb 1931
Berger Saul BHS June 1939
Bergman Abe BHS Feb 1925
Bergman Bertha BHS June 1937
Bergman Carl G BHS June 1944
Bergman Elinor BHS June 1938
Bergman Ethel BHS Feb 1923
Bergman Leo BHS June 1926
Bergman Marilyn BHS June 1951
Bergman Max BHS Feb 1933
Bergman William L BHS June 1950
Berken William BHS Feb 1930
Berkin Brian B BHS June 1955
Berkin Robert BHS June 1948
Berkman David BHS Feb 1921
Berkowitz Anita BHS June 1940
Berkowitz C BHS June 1925
Berkowitz Claire BHS June 1931
Berkowitz David BHS June 1943
Berkowitz Evelyn BHS June 1924
Berkowitz Heloise BHS Feb 1928
Berkowitz Henry BHS Feb 1923
Berkowitz Jackson BHS June 1927
Berkowitz Jacob BHS June 1921
Berkowitz Jeanne BHS Feb 1937
Berkowitz Jerome BHS Feb 1931
Berkowitz Joseph M BHS June 1935
Berkowitz Matilda BHS Feb 1927
Berkowitz Philip BHS June 1920
Berkowitz Seena BHS June 1943
Berkowitz Sidney BHS Feb 1923
Berkowitz Soloman BHS June 1922
Berkowski Dora BHS June 1928
Berkowski Ida BHS June 1928
Berkson Harold BHS June 1921
Berkson William BHS June 1921
Berlane Carolyn BHS June 1952
Berlin Arnold L BHS June 1950
Berlin Betty BHS June 1946
Berlin Frances E BHS June 1935
Berlin Gertrude BHS June 1936
Berlin Julius BHS June 1952
Berlin Lillian BHS Feb 1942
Berlin Rae D BHS June 1955
Berlin Robert BHS June 1943
Berman Allan B BHS June 1949
Berman Anne BHS June 1930
Berman Annette BHS Feb 1931
Berman Charles BHS Feb 1929
Berman David BHS June 1918
Berman Dorothy BHS Feb 1924
Berman Eleanor BHS Feb 1934
Berman Helen BHS Feb 1917
Berman Hope BHS June 1954
Berman Hyman BHS June 1916
Berman Iris BHS June 1943
Berman Louis BHS June 1930
Berman Mante BHS June 1946
Berman Nathan BHS June 1927
Berman Sylvia BHS June 1936
Berman Sylvia BHS Feb 1936
Bermann Leslie BHS June 1942
Bermikow Stella BHS June 1924
Bernard louise BHS June 1946
Bernard Murray BHS June 1941
Bernard Sally BHS June 1946
Bernhardt Cecilia BHS June 1920
Bernikow Cecile BHS June 1954
Bernikow Iris D BHS June 1947
Bernotas Anne V BHS Feb 1937
Bernotas Anthony S BHS June 1939
Bernotas Pauline E BHS June 1933
Bernotas Susan D BHS Feb 1936
Bernsteein Edith BHS Feb 1934
Bernstein Barbara A BHS June 1955
Bernstein Bernard B BHS June 1941
Bernstein Esther BHS Feb 1923
Bernstein Florence BHS June 1927
Bernstein Helen BHS June 1930
Bernstein Jacob BHS Feb 1928
Bernstein Jess BHS Feb 1932
Bernstein Julius BHS Feb 1920
Bernstein Ruth F BHS June 1934
Bernstein Samuel BHS June 1923
Bernstein Sarah BHS June 1924
Bernstein Sidney K BHS June 1934
Berry Isabell M C BHS June 1939
Berry Lorrain BHS June 1943
Berry Marion BHS June 1931
Bershadsky Libby BHS June 1938
Bershadsky Mary BHS Feb 1933
Bershadsky Sol C BHS June 1936
Berstein Abraham BHS June 1923
Berstein Isaac BHS Feb 1931
Bertele Edward A BHS June 1938
Beslow Beatrice R BHS June 1933
Beslow Harry BHS June 1932
Bestman Ethel BHS June 1940
Betkoski Catherine BHS June 1944
Betkowski Eleanor BHS June 1940
Betkowski John V BHS June 1936
Betsworth Edward F BHS Feb 1938
Bettman Robert BHS Feb 1918
Betushak Maryann B BHS June 1949
Beven Ronald BHS Feb 1917
Beveridge John Jr BHS June 1940
Beveridge Marjorie L BHS Feb 1933
Bevezny Donald BHS June 1955
Bevilacqua Gemma BHS June 1922
Bevilacqua Jauline F BHS June 1936
Bevilacqua John J BHS Feb 1919
Bevilacqua Lillian A BHS June 1947
Bevilacqua Nicholas BHS Feb 1926
Bevilaqua Arthur BHS June 1933
Bevilaqua Michael BHS June 1930
Bevilasqua Elena BHS June 1923
Beyer Dorothea BHS Feb 1927
Beyers Edward J BHS Feb 1932
Bezzeg Margaret BHS Feb 1940
Bezzeg Michael BHS Feb 1933
Biasone Francis BHS June 1944
Biasone Marie BHS June 1946
Biber Josephine C BHS Feb 1934
Biber Rosanna M BHS June 1944
Bibko John BHS Feb 1931
Bibko Mary BHS June 1941
Bibko Michael BHS June 1928
Bibko Nicholas BHS Feb 1942
Bickman Ida BHS Feb 1924
Biczl Margaret BHS June 1952
Bidgood Constance M BHS June 1947
Bidgood Donald F BHS June 1937
Bidgood Elizabeth BHS June 1940
Bidgood Robert BHS June 1943
Bidgood Ruth BHS Feb 1941
Biel Adele L BHS June 1947
Biel Alexander BHS June 1954
Biel Augusta BHS Feb 1923
Biel Beatrice BHS June 1942
Biel Helen BHS June 1935
Biel Kitty BHS June 1941
Bielawski Cathleen A BHS June 1948
Bielawski Marguerite A BHS June 1950
Bielawski Patricia I BHS June 1955
Bielen Frances M BHS June 1948
Bielen Helen J BHS June 1938
Bielen Laura B BHS June 1944
Bielen Robert J BHS June 1955
Bielenda Florence V BHS June 1947
Bielenda Francis R BHS June 1954
Bielenda Stanley BHS Feb 1928
Bielenda William E BHS June 1947
Bielewski Alexander R BHS June 1949
Bielicki Steven BHS June 1942
Bielicki Jadwiga BHS Feb 1941
Bieryla William J BHS June 1955
Biesedell Thomas C BHS June 1937
Bigg Caroline BHS Feb 1941
Bigg Helene BHS June 1943
Bilak Catherine BHS Feb 1942
Bilak Josephine BHS June 1937
Bilak Mary A BHS June 1948
Bilak Stephanie BHS June 1948
Bilcharz Edward P BHS June 1948
Bilcharz Stephanie BHS June 1942
Bilendy Henry BHS Feb 1941
Bilhar Dorothy A BHS June 1939
Bilhar Francis R BHS Feb 1937
Bilhar Josephine B BHS June 1939
Bilhar Julia A BHS June 1944
Bilicki Genevieve A BHS June 1955
Bilics Charles A BHS June 1936
Bilics Frank J BHS June 1932
Bille Irene BHS June 1927
Billek Dolores BHS June 1946
Billek Eugene F BHS June 1951
Billicki Estelle BHS June 1946
Billie Anna M BHS Feb 1933
Billie Dorothy BHS June 1942
Billie John J BHS Feb 1935
Billie Joseph E BHS June 1936
Billie William T BHS June 1938
Billis Mary BHS June 1943
Billotti Josephine L BHS June 1952
Billy Barbara M BHS June 1939
Bilotta Arthur BHS June 1949
Bingham Isabelle BHS June 1942
Bintz Josephine M BHS June 1941
Bird Doris E BHS June 1935
Bird Henry D BHS June 1935
Bird James BHS June 1940
Birenbaum Alyce BHS June 1929
Birenbaum Ida BHS June 1924
Birkler Gladys BHS June 1943
Birkler Ruth E BHS June 1939
Birkner Agnes E BHS June 1952
Birnbaum Alvin BHS June 1941
Birnbaum Louis BHS Feb 1926
Birnbaum Virginia H BHS June 1933
Bisgay Louis BHS June 1950
Bisgay Samuel J BHS June 1953
Bisguy Samuel BHS June 1924
Bishop Frederick A BHS Feb 1938
Bishop Marie L BHS June 1939
Bisnansky John BHS June 1940
Bissel Laura M BHS June 1938
Bissel Steven BHS June 1940
Bissell Maryann R BHS Feb 1937
Bissett Elizabeth J BHS June 1947
Bissett Richard R BHS June 1949
Bitwinski Bronci BHS Feb 1920
Bitwinski Sigmund G BHS June 1937
Bjorklund Beatrice L BHS Feb 1932
Bjorklund Charlotte A BHS Feb 1935
Bjornson Arthur BHS June 1922
Bjornson Myrtle BHS June 1920
Blacher Ethel BHS Feb 1930
Blacher Mary BHS June 1923
Black Catherine E BHS June 1955
Black Harold BHS June 1931
Black Harry M BHS Feb 1936
Black Leona BHS June 1953
Black Mildred G BHS June 1932
Black Rita BHS June 1943
Black Rose BHS Feb 1918
Blackstone Susan S BHS June 1951
Blair Betty BHS Feb 1933
Blair Helen BHS June 1925
Blair Margaret BHS Feb 1921
Blanco Genevieve BHS Feb 1941
Blank Charles S BHS June 1947
Blank Murray BHS June 1944
Blank Philip BHS June 1937
Blankley Lillian BHS June 1916
Blann Harriet BHS June 1942
Blann Lawrence R BHS June 1951
Blatt J BHS June 1925
Blaustein Charlotte R BHS June 1934
Blazewicz Andrew BHS June 1943
Blazewicz Mary E BHS June 1948
Bleach Helen BHS June 1940
Bleach James G BHS June 1939
Bleach Marie D BHS June 1938
Bleach Richard A BHS June 1949
Blesedell Clara BHS June 1930
Blihar Agnes A BHS June 1952
Blihar Barbara J BHS June 1951
Blinn Lucy BHS Feb 1921
Blinn Margaret A BHS June 1939
Blintz Faith F BHS June 1947
Blithar Anthony BHS June 1930
Block A Marvin BHS June 1924
Block Abe E BHS June 1950
Block C Marjorie BHS June 1947
Block Elllery B BHS June 1951
Block Gladys S BHS June 1950
Block Howard A BHS June 1954
Block Janice BHS June 1944
Block Lillian BHS June 1927
Block Mildred BHS June 1923
Block Rita BHS June 1948
Block Ruth BHS Feb 1924
Block Yetta BHS Feb 1920
Blocky Ruth BHS June 1943
Blohm John BHS June 1940
Blois Irene BHS Feb 1941
Blonstein Freda BHS Feb 1919
Bloom Abraham BHS June 1924
Bloom Alvin BHS June 1954
Bloom Blanche BHS June 1931
Bloom Celia BHS Feb 1933
Bloom Harriet BHS Feb 1940
Bloom Harry BHS June 1926
Bloom Jacob BHS June 1921
Bloom M Harry BHS Feb 1934
Bloom Mollie BHS Feb 1924
Bloom Samuel BHS Feb 1920
Bloomfield William BHS June 1937
Bloomquist E BHS June 1925
Bloomquist Edna BHS Feb 1931
Bloyder Irene M BHS June 1951
Blum Harry BHS Feb 1926
Blum Mildred BHS Feb 1937
Blum Mildred BHS Feb 1940
Blum Pauline BHS June 1926
Blum Pearl BHS June 1932
Blum Ruby BHS June 1938
Blum Ruth BHS Feb 1933
Blumberg Fay BHS June 1932
Blumberg Lester S BHS June 1927
Blumberg Nathan BHS June 1937
Blumenkrantz Harold BHS June 1954
Blumenthal Bernard BHS June 1934
Blumenthal Bernice B BHS June 1935
Blumenthal George BHS June 1943
Blumenthal Hyman BHS Feb 1918
Blumenthal Marvin BHS June 1943
Blumenthal Mildred BHS June 1923
Blumenthal Pearl BHS June 1927
Blumenthal BHS June 1941
Blumstein Celia BHS June 1922
Blumstein Frances BHS June 1923
Blumstein Ruth BHS Feb 1922
Blyskal Alfred E BHS June 1953
Blyskal Cassie T BHS June 1938
Blyskal Eleanor BHS June 1950
Blyskal Emily A BHS June 1933
Blyskal Genevieve F BHS June 1948
Blyskal Josephine BHS June 1936
Blyskal Margaret D BHS June 1955
Blyskal Robert A BHS June 1953

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